The data access class library provides data access ASP.NET Classes to connect to SQL Server or any OLEDB provider. The XML support class library has XML Classes the go beyond the capability of MSXML. The directory services library is used to access Active Directory/LDAP using ADSI. The regular expression library supports all the above mentions ASP.NET Classes any more than that it also supports Perl 5.
All the above mentioned class libraries use the CLR base class libraries for common functionality. These base class libraries can be divided into six categories:
• Collections: Used to preserve a collection of values or objects in memory. The three commonly used collections ASP.NET Classes are ArrayList, HashTables, and SortedList. The System.Collections namespace is used to derive collections ASP.NET Classes.
• Thread Support: Used to provide fast, efficient, and multi-threaded applications. It use System.Threading namespace.
• Code generation: Used to covert ASP.NET pages into ASP.NET Classes and to generate source files in multiple languages. The System.CodeDOM is used to derive the code generation ASP.NET Classes.
• IO: Used to work with files and all other stream types. It uses System.IO namespace.
• Reflection: Used to provide support for load assemblies, inspecting types within assemblies, and createing instances of types. It uses System.Reflection namespace.
• Security: Used extensively to build a security strategy for ASP.NET pages. It also provides some base services such as authentication, authorization, permission sets, policies, and cryptography. It uses System.Security namespace.
There are numerous ASP.NET Classes. If you want to find and locate a particular class then you can use the WinCV tool. This file is located in C:programfilesMicrosoft.NetFrameworkSDKBin directory. You can open this file from the Run command.
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