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  Minimize Computer Virus Threats
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Author Topic: Minimize Computer Virus Threats  (Read 2060 times)
Daniel Franklin
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Minimize Computer Virus Threats
« Posted: October 02, 2007, 02:28:50 PM »

Every computer user dreads the moment when a virus will manage to penetrate the computer system and become the uninvited party crasher. In an effort to minimize the probability of having to experience such a stressful moment, most computer users have now installed in their computer's memory, software programs that act as shields against such malicious threats. These defenders, called antivirus software programs are designed to recognize and thus prevent malicious computer code from being executed without the user's knowledge or permission. Most of today's computer users have at least one antivirus system installed in their computer's hard disk.

Just like mothers advise their children to dress warmly and drink lots of fluids, like orange juices which contain high quantities of Vitamin C, in order to protect their health during the cold winter season, so should a computer user take good care of his or her personal CPU. First, it is important to be aware of the different types of viruses that exist and also to know how they work. But most importantly, one has to keep his or her computer current with the latest updates and antivirus tools. Knowing which the recent threats are is not enough. It is of immense significance to frequently update the antivirus program installed and to follow some simple basic rules when surfing the Internet, downloading files, and opening attachments. According to those who had suffered from malicious code, it does not matter what is the type of virus that your computer has been infected with, or through which method it was led to your computer's hard-disk, as it is critical for you to be able to remove it and to prevent any further damage from taking place.

Towards that direction, computer developers have developed antivirus software systems, Internet firewalls, and antispyware programs. Each of these methods can decrease the possibility of a computer being affected by a dangerous virus, but nothing can 100 percent guarantee that a computer will stay virus-free forever. The only thing one can do towards that direction, is to continue improving his or her computer's security by keeping the firewall system up-to-date and maintaining a current antivirus software subscription. Following the generally accepted guidelines, of never opening an email attachment coming from an unknown sender or to avoid downloading programs from not-trusted sources, can lead to a safer online navigation. These simple rules, along with the performing frequent system updates and keeping backup data files, might be the only methods computer users have so as to continue enjoying a virus-free life.

Keep in mind that as the Internet threats continue to increase in number and complexity, some of the best antivirus programs, like Norton and McAfee, quickly respond to the justifiable consumer need to keep their computer environment secure. New and improved features enable these enhanced versions of to detect, then quarantine and finally remove malicious code, which can harm computer files and/or disrupt a variety of computer functions.

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Kadence Buchanan writes articles on many topics including Employment, Jewelry, and Investing


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