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 Every Computer Needs Anti Virus Software
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Author Topic: Every Computer Needs Anti Virus Software  (Read 2004 times)
Daniel Franklin
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Every Computer Needs Anti Virus Software
« Posted: October 02, 2007, 02:21:01 PM »

There are a few things in life that everyone simply needs. I'l be the first to agree that we use the word "need" far too often when really we are probably wanting something rather than truly needing it. I believe strongly that everyone needs clean water, adequate food, proper medical care and a safe place to live and sleep. I will not say, however, that everyone in the world needs to drive an expensive sports car or go on vacation four times a year. As an internet design specialist, I must say that everyone who owns a computer must have anti virus software.

There is no question about it: anti virus software is a must for an internet using computer in the world. Why? Simply put, because far too many people have taken pleasure in or made a job out of messing up the security of the internet. Far too many people think that placing a virus over the internet that will effectively destroy many computers and programs is a comical thing. And this is why anti virus software is a must for all computer owners.

Anti virus software exists to combat the evil people who are at work to bring a nasty virus to your computer. A virus can come through a variety of ways and many that are seemingly innocent and unsuspecting. So anti virus software must work very hard to bring the level of protection that is necessary to personal and public computers of all kinds.

If you are unsure about where or how to get the right anti virus software for you, then talk with a friend who knows about computers or visit a store that specializes in computers and internet security. Talk through your options and do a little research to see exactly what you're getting for any kind of anti virus software. Make sure you choose anti virus software that will be effective in destroying the things you need destroyed.

You will never be fully safe to browse the internet or to use a computer until it is protected by strong anti virus software. So take some time, use some money and get your computer protected by good anti virus software. You will not see any effects of the software on your computer. Keep in mind that this is exactly the point: your anti virus software will keep you from having any problems or disfunctions with your computer and you'll be able to get back to work or to play hassle free on the computer.

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About the Author

Martin Stoleman is an internet specialist that strongly suggests the importance of having the best anti virus software for computers. See for more details.


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