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+ Techno World Inc - The Best Technical Encyclopedia Online! » Forum » THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] » Ethical Hacking / Security / Viruses » Viruses
 5 Simple ways to keep your computer secure and virus free
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Author Topic: 5 Simple ways to keep your computer secure and virus free  (Read 2170 times)
Daniel Franklin
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5 Simple ways to keep your computer secure and virus free
« Posted: October 02, 2007, 02:29:51 PM »

These simple tips will help you stay virus and spyware free, even if

you're connected to the internet 24 hours a day.

1. Protect yourself

Good protection on the Internet these days consists of 3 components:

anti-virus software, anti-spyware software and a firewall.

As for a firewall, Windows XP ships with a decent enough firewall. Just

make sure it is always enabled. Alternatively you can visit a site like and search for Zone Alarm, which has an excellent free


The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to keep your

anti-virus software up to date. An anti-virus program that uses

definitions that are months old is just about useless.

Update your anti-virus and anti-spyware software at least once a week.

2. Stop opening every attachment you receive.

Most of the devastating worms and viruses of recent times were

distributed via email. These viruses feed on the curiosity and also the

ignorance of a huge number of email users. People will get an email

from fakename@weirdsuspiciousdomain and they'll just open whatever file

is attached to it.

If you don't know the sender, don't open the attachment - just delete

it. It doesn't matter if the subject promises you'll see Britney Spears

dancing nude on the kitchen table, just delete it.

If the email is from someone you know, always scan any attachments

first before downloading or opening them.

If every email user in the world followed these simple guidelines the

distribution of viruses via email will grind to a halt.

3. Stay clear of pornographic and illegal software sites

If you want to pick up viruses and spyware quickly, visit some

pornographic web sites. One wrong click on a subtle little pop-up or

security warning window (which you'll run into often on these type of

sites) and you'll have infested yourself with trojan horses, spyware,

dialers and other unfavorable software that could leave your computer

wide open to further attacks.

The same goes for web sites distributing software, serial codes and

cracks illegally (warez).

Simply put - keep out of the dark side of the web and the odds of

keeping your computer clean shifts decidedly in your favor.

4. Watch out what you download

Spyware is embedded in a lot of software on the Internet - especially

those related to ripping, converting and playing music and videos. That

free MP3 player or DVD Ripper you just downloaded may have installed a

bunch of harmful spyware without you even knowing about it.

5. Keep yourself informed

Major anti-virus software developers like Symantec and Grisoft updates

their sites regularly with the latest virus alerts. Visit these sites

frequently to keep yourself aware of what threats are doing the rounds

and how to avoid them.

Using this simple software I have kept my computer virus-free for

the past 3 years. It's not rocket science. Just stay alert, use some

common sense and you too can stay bug free while still enjoying your

Internet experience.

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About the Author

By William McRand Sr 1908 Clinton Ave Mobile AL 36617 Your P.C. maybe infected with adware & spyware Fix your pc in less than five minutes Click Here


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