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 Exponentially Grow Your Business Sharing What You Know - Using Eight Types of Au
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Daniel Franklin
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If you are a solo-entrepreneur or small business owner that provides expert services to your market, and you're not harnessing the value and impact of offering audio programs, you are missing out on the opportunity to exponentially expand your business.

Unlike the services you provide to clients, which are offered one-on-one, audio programs can be packaged and delivered to large numbers of people as a passive-revenue product.

So, you may be wondering, what exactly are Audio Programs and Products?? And what would be the be benefit of producing them?

Here are 8 Types of Audio Programs that you can use to expand your impact and profits.

1. Teleclasses/teleseminars - These are courses that take place over a telephone bridge line. Multiple people call into a conference line and a facilitator leads a learning experience to the group.

What' the benefit? In this format, the teleclass leader can provide value-added services, not to just one person, but to many.

2. Live seminars - Give yourself expanded exposure by offering your expertise in a live seminar to large groups of people. Because it's live, and not over the phone, your ability to make connection, give support and deliver added impact is dramatically increased.

What's the benefit? There's no better way to build your platform as an expert. People who effectively deliver their programs in a live setting repeatedly report being able to increase their consulting and coaching fees.

3. Digitally Recorded Programs - If you're giving teleclasses or live seminars, but not converting them into recorded audio products, you are missing out -- not only on lost revenue, but on lost opportunity to help a larger audience!

What's the benefit? By recording a teleclass and re-packaging it into a digital product that can be accessed immediately on the web day or night by web surfers -- you provide a way to grow your business and your impact while you sleep.

4. Audio CD Programs - Once you've recorded a program and made it available on the web for instant download, why not kick it up a notch and offer it as a CD program, just like the Tony Robbins?

What's the benefit? Not only can you expand your reach to book stores and other physical outlets, you also build your image as an expert. Also, if you're giving some kind of live speech, keynote, or seminar, Audio CD's are a great product to sell at the back of the room.

5. Recorded Interviews - Maybe there's an expert out there that has information you'd like to share with your audience. A great way to disseminate information is to interview the expert on a specific topic. And as you interview them, record it, and then repackage it as a stand-alone audio program.

What's the benefit? You get to provide needed information to your audience without becoming an expert yourself. Also, the more you can partner with others, the better your exposure. Because both of you will be promoting the product, you will receive increased exposure to a larger audience.

6. Home Study Programs - Blend together the very best of what you have to offer -- recorded content, worksheets, learning guides, eBooks, video, assessments, or other materials into a multi-media program that surrounds a customer with support without your physical time, energy, or presence required.

What's the benefit? Home Study programs offer an excellent way for your audience to receive incredibly high value without spending nearly as much as they would working with you one-on-one. Not only can you build your expertise and help people at a lower price-range, a well-build Home Study Program can become a funnel for people ready and willing to pay your higher one-on-one fees.

7. Meditation/Visualization Audio Programs - If you lead meditation groups, teach yoga, or use inner visualizations with clients, why not make these experiences available to a larger audience? These could be offered digitally for download, or they could be packaged as Audio CD's.

What's the benefit? Imagine your audience being able to tap into the sound of your voice and connect to their higher wisdom whenever they choose. Without leaving the conveniece of their home, your audience can experience inner awareness and discovery... and meanwhile, you can supplement your income.

8. Hypnotherapy audio programs - If you are a hypnotherapist trapped in the continuous rat-race of trying to effectively attract new clients, offering recorded audio programs is a great way to expand your reach and land new clients. It could be a "Stop Smoking" maintenance program for people who have already come in for a session with you, or it could be a whole "Loose Weight Now" system that doesn't even require your physical presence.

What's the benefit? Stronger, lasting results your clients will boast about to their friends and a great way to supplement your income.

Copyright 2005 Coco Fossland

About Coco Fossland

The author of the forthcoming book, The Power of Trust: Trust Yourself, Transform Your World, Coco Fossland is a nationally recognized expert in personal transformation, self-empowerment and self-healing. Blending a decade of technology and strategy consulting with her expertise in self-trust transformation, Coco's business is focused on supporting people passionate about creating businesses that make a difference in the world. She helps her clients fuse their higher path with their businesses, creating institutions and organizations that profoundly impact the world one person at a time.


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