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 SAP - The Basics Series 3
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SAP - The Basics Series 3
« Posted: January 03, 2007, 01:45:15 PM »

much does it cost? What will it take to implement it?

There is a defining moment in the journey of all companies on the road to SAP nirvana. This moment comes just after the company has concluded that it wants SAP, it needs SAP, it?s got to have SAP ? then comes the question ?so what does it taketo implement it??

This is the question which separates those who are ready from the wannabees.Before being accused of being too negative, let me remind you that at the heart of every good business decision lies a costbenefit analysis. If this cannot be complete with a positive outcome, the initiative (whatever it is) should probably notbelaunched. Same goes foraSAPimplementation.

Implementing SAP is expensive. No doubt about it. But the potential rewards can dwarf the costs (and have for many existingcustomers already). One customerreportedly made enough savings on the procurement of a single raw material to pay for the entire enterprise-wide SAP implementation!Ofcourse theseare hardtosubstantiate,but visit SAP?s website and take alook at the customer testimonials.

SAP sells it?s R/3 product on a ?price per user basis?. The actual price is negotiated between SAP and the customer and therefore depends on numerous factors which include number of users and modules(and other factorswhich arepresentinanynegotiation).Youshouldcheck with SAP, but for a ballpark planning numberyoucould doworse than starting with $4000 per user.
There is also an annual supportcostofabout 10% which includes periodic upgrades. Again, check with SAP.Then there is the implementation cost. It is about now that you need to get the business case out again and remind yourselfwhy you need to do this.

Timeframe - The absolute quickest implementation we have ever heard of is 45 days ? but this was for a tiny company with very few users and no changes to the delivered SAP processes. At the other end of the scale you get the multi-nationals whoare implementing SAP over 5 to 10 years.These are not necessarilyfailures . many of them are planned as successiveglobadeployments. Of course the really expensive ones arethosewedon?thear about!For the most part, you should be able to getyour(single instance0project completed ina9to18monthperiod.

People ? The smallest of SAP implementations can get done on a part-time basis without outside help. The largest swallow up hundreds of people (sometimes over a thousand) and include whole armies of consultants. This adds up fast. Again,get that business case out. The types of people you will need run the range from heavy duty techies to project managers.

Hardware ? The smallest of SAP implementations probably use only three instances one for the production system, one for test, and one for development. The largest implementations have well over 100 instances,especially if they involve multiple parallel projects.
Adding all this up, your SAP project can run anywhere from $400,000 to hundreds of millions of $$$?s. As you can see, SAP can be all things to all companies ? so it?s best to talk to them about your specificrequirement


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