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  Four-Step Formula of Writing Classified Ads: Use AIDA formula for Successful Fr
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Author Topic: Four-Step Formula of Writing Classified Ads: Use AIDA formula for Successful Fr  (Read 2729 times)
Daniel Franklin
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Every advertisement revolves round four key points. Knowledgeable copywriters of the past have distilled that four key points into four letters - A-I-D-A or the AIDA formula. A for Attention

Any advertisement has to create that attention. There are different techniques of attention grabbing. Billboards that have half-naked women attract attention, mostly to the skin than to the message of the advertisement.

For classified ads, we use one bold headline or title to attract the attention of classified ad readers.

Readers of classified ads are interested in your product. Otherwise they will not be looking at your ad. Thus you can quickly capture the attention by telling them loudly that you have what they search for.

Your product can be a poodle, a Ferrari, a grandfather clock or a massage service. Tell in the title exactly what you have to offer, without any bells or whistles.

Thus you attract reader attention with an attention grabbing headline, which also describes your product in four or five words.

I for Interest

The next step is to make your reader interested in YOUR product. The first thing to tell is the price you expect. If you are giving away your pet for free, say it so.

E.g. Free pure-white Pomeranian, 16 weeks old.

Good condition 2002 Honda Accord Black for $ 13,400.

You can also tell the location of the product and other information about the product. Don't make false claims as the responder will be disappointed when he or she sees a product below par their expectations.

D for Desire

This is the stage where the reader is motivated enough to take action to buy the production. Desire can be created in the minds of your readers and they feel like ringing you up, if you do the Interest part correctly. Without making big claims you just create interest in the mind of prospective customer and he or she will be motivated enough to buy from you.

A for Action

First A was for Attention. Between the attention grabbing and action stage, there were two stages interest and desire. This last A part is most important to you. This is stage your customer takes the first step in buying from you.

In a well crafted copy, the copywriter suggests, tells or commands to take an action. You end your copy with:

Call me at ###-555 and ask for Jim so that you can find more exciting things about my sedan. Or Visit my website at to see more cute pictures of my bungalow.

The key here is that don't make people think about an action, instead they are directed to do something. People usually take the action that is suggested to them. They think twice if they sense pleading or commanding. Instead you are subtly telling them to take an action.

This is the basic principle of advertising of all times and will continue to be the same. If you are looking for a free classified ads website, you can visit - world's local classifieds.

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