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 KGB Software Now Monitors Corporate Networks
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KGB Software Now Monitors Corporate Networks
« Posted: August 25, 2008, 04:17:46 PM »

KGB Software Now Monitors Corporate Networks

Nowadays, business people actually work in two worlds: the physical and the online. The former is a world of smiles and warm handshakes, while the latter is the shadowy world of whispered secrets, hidden alliances, and sudden betrayals. In business terms, this can mean the difference between success and failure. But no-one is better equipped to inform you of the online world than a small but reliable software agent – KGB Spy, which is now available as a network edition.

Refog Software has launched KGB Employee Monitor. As the name implies, it secretly records every user keystroke in every application and saves it to a log file. Furthermore, it can record clipboard entries, websites, and take snapshots of the active window on a user’s screen. The new edition is squarely aimed at corporate users, and is designed to monitor and log all network activities.

KGB Employee Monitor is ideal for improving employee discipline, uncovering industrial espionage and detecting information leakages before the damage is done. If you ever had any doubts that your company bandwidth was being used solely for business and not for chats, porn and shopping, KGB software will tell you for sure. It provides you with both onsite and remote access to employee’s logs and computer screens in real time, helping to catch idlers red-handed.

KGB Employee Monitor runs in the background and quietly avoids detection by the computer system. Users will be oblivious to its presence and the fact it is keeping track of their every move. Every log entry has a time stamp – the date and time a certain window was initiated, the name of the application and the caption of the window where the activity took place. With just one glance, you can view all user activities minute after minute, including what was typed, when and where.

An advantage of KGB Employee Monitor is that it can be custom-tuned to only monitor specific applications (eg a web browser or an email client like Outlook Express). Another nice touch is that the software works totally autonomously. Once installed, it can log all user activities in stealth mode, with regular reports sent to you via email. When the email is sent, it cleans the cache in order to erase its own tracks.

There is another interesting option in KGB Employee Monitor that enables the selection of a forbidden word, which triggers email alerts when the word has been typed by the user under surveillance.

A tutorial video “KGB Employee Monitor” is available at

A tutorial “To automatically install the software on the domain network” is available at

Pricing & Availability

KGB Employee Monitor runs under Microsoft Windows 2000, 2003, XP, and Vista. It costs US $149 for a single user license. Licensed customers get lifetime technical support and free upgrades for 12 months from the date of purchase. More information on the product, as well as a free evaluation copy, is available from


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