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183  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Start-up denies using tech to turn call centre accents 'white' on: August 26, 2022, 11:44:36 AM
Start-up denies using tech to turn call centre accents 'white'

Technology that changes workers' accents is accused of making "the world sound whiter".
184  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / California to ban sales of petrol-only vehicles by 2035 on: August 26, 2022, 11:44:36 AM
California to ban sales of petrol-only vehicles by 2035

The biggest state in the US has moved faster than the federal government to tighten emission rules.
185  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Nato investigates hacker sale of missile firm data on: August 26, 2022, 11:44:36 AM
Nato investigates hacker sale of missile firm data

Hackers are selling classified documents online after obtaining data belonging to missile maker MBDA.
186  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Disney adds subscribers but warns over cricket loss on: August 13, 2022, 12:51:50 PM
Disney adds subscribers but warns over cricket loss

The media giant is gaining subscribers as it details plans to launch an ad-supported service in December.
187  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Meta's chatbot says the company 'exploits people' on: August 13, 2022, 12:51:50 PM
Meta's chatbot says the company 'exploits people'

The new prototype doesn't think much of the company's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, either.
188  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Commonwealth Games takes big step towards esports on: August 13, 2022, 12:51:50 PM
Commonwealth Games takes big step towards esports

Competitive gaming may soon be added to the Commonwealth Games programme, after a successful test event in Birmingham.
189  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / NHS IT supplier held to ransom by hackers on: August 13, 2022, 12:51:50 PM
NHS IT supplier held to ransom by hackers

Its IT provider says it may take three or four weeks to fully recover from the cyber-attack.
190  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / The sci-fi technology tackling malarial mosquitos on: May 24, 2022, 12:28:13 PM
The sci-fi technology tackling malarial mosquitos

Gene drive development makes a genetically modified gene that spreads widely within populations.
191  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Clearview AI fined in UK for illegally storing facial images on: May 24, 2022, 12:28:13 PM
Clearview AI fined in UK for illegally storing facial images

The facial recognition database firm must pay more than £7.5m and delete data it holds of UK residents.
192  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Airbnb to quit China as lockdowns restrict tourism on: May 24, 2022, 12:28:13 PM
Airbnb to quit China as lockdowns restrict tourism

Stays in China made up only 1% of Airbnb's revenue for the last few years, a source said.
193  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Cryptocrash: ‘I was arrested for knocking on Luna boss's door' on: May 24, 2022, 12:28:13 PM
Cryptocrash: ‘I was arrested for knocking on Luna boss's door'

A man says he lost millions, and then was arrested for trying to talk to crypto boss Do Kwon.
194  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / How will Tonga's broken internet cable be mended? on: January 25, 2022, 11:54:06 AM
How will Tonga's broken internet cable be mended?

What does its breakage tell us about the problems of getting coverage to remote areas?
195  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Dark Souls PC servers down amid hacking fears on: January 25, 2022, 11:54:06 AM
Dark Souls PC servers down amid hacking fears

Dark Souls servers temporarily taken offline following reports of a PC-controlling exploit.
196  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Flying car wins airworthiness certification on: January 25, 2022, 11:54:06 AM
Flying car wins airworthiness certification

AirCar is issued a certificate of airworthiness by the Slovak Transport Authority.
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