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THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] => Management => Topic started by: Shawn Tracer on February 15, 2008, 10:13:53 AM

Title: Is Your House Ready To Sell Quick
Post by: Shawn Tracer on February 15, 2008, 10:13:53 AM

For whatever reasons people need to sell their house quick. Maybe it is a job transfer, or a job loss. Maybe you are facing foreclosure or just can not handle the payments for some reason. Here are a few things you need to do to your house to get it ready to sell quick.

First of all you need to price your house so it can sell quick. Over pricing your home will not get it sold quickly. Selling a home quickly means giving a bargain to someone.

Next is getting your home ready to sell quickly. When a buyer walks into your home they are coming in with an eye for detail. They are going to look in closets and cupboards. They will be making notes of what needs to be fixed. If you do this before they get there you are helping yourself sell your house quicker.

This is a good time to clean out the cupboards and closets. You can start boxing or putting into storage things you are not using on a daily basis. Getting rid of the clutter leaves an appearance to your prospective buyer of how much space this home has.

Check out all of your doors to make sure they do not squeak. Repair any screens. Fix any leaky faucets. Touch up paint. Don't go overboard just make it look appealing and not worn out.

One creative idea is to put away your family photos. This is giving the impression to your prospect of what the house will look like when they move in. Having your photos on the wall is giving the impression of it is your home.

Take a look at what is on the walls. Fix nail holes. Clean up your teenagers room if they have any offensive posters on the wall. Do anything you can to every room to take away the cluttered look. The bigger you can make your home feel the better.

Do not start any major repairs unless you absolutely have to. This is not the time to finish the basement to add value to your home. The windows you have now are fine unless they are broken. Any repairs you do not are just to help get it ready to sell quickly and not to add value.

To sell a house quick you have to do whatever it takes to get it ready and then show the heck out of it. You may find yourself out of the home for a showing more than you are in it, but keep focused on your goal.

As the CEO of Unique Real Estate Solutions, I have been involved for over twenty years in every aspect of the real estate profession. In this capacity, I have accumulated substantial holdings of prime residential properties. If you would like more info please go to