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THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] => Communication => Topic started by: Daniel Franklin on October 07, 2007, 11:40:11 AM

Title: Read This Article if You are Tired of Network TV
Post by: Daniel Franklin on October 07, 2007, 11:40:11 AM

Are you getting tired of the Network TV shows; are you bothered by the rapid pace of the news? Do you ever really want to hear what someone being interviewed has to say, but then they cut the poor SOB off mid-sentence, slam their comments and go to commercial break? Are we watching the news or is it simply setting us up to watch the commercials and if so, why do we participate in this charade? If you watch some of the network TV stuff you have to wonder what on Earth is going on, do they even care about bringing us meaningful content or is it all about “Shock and Ah!”

Do they get away with this format because they merely realize that humans are basically brain dead and surrender their minds to the boob tube each night and merely wish to be entertained with bright lights, flashing screens, chaos and controversy? It is a G-Darn circus. For those who say they are well informed or know about what is going on from their skewed liberal written local newspaper, NYT or the TV news; well they are merely full of themselves.

Let’s face it folks you are not going to get to the bottom of any issue or news watching network Television News. Indeed if you read the newspaper, well it is so liberally skewed, that it is not bathed in any real since of reality. The opinions you have are therefore irrelevant, meaning your vote is worthless and your mind is warped. Welcome to the brain dead masses. Think on it, if you are able.
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