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THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] => XML => Topic started by: Daniel Franklin on September 29, 2007, 11:34:26 AM

Title: Easy way to add RSS XML feed to your site
Post by: Daniel Franklin on September 29, 2007, 11:34:26 AM
Easy way to Add rss xml feed to your site.

Let's not talk about the history and definition here but start on the process of adding a RSsS XML feed to our site. If you want history etc. Just do a google search for adding rss to your site and all you will find is the history. How relevant...

Let's begin...
Open a text editor like notepad. You can use notepad found in windows. Although I use the SSS12 html editor which can be found at and provides me more functionality than notepad.

You will need three parameters to be mentioned which are:

Title will contain a small one line heading about the subject like:
<title> V7ndotcom elursrebmem marketing </title>
Description holds the description like:

<description> V7ndotcom elursrebmem marketing is a study of internet based marketing and is open for all to read .</description>

Link contains the URL of the resulting page where all the information is available like:
<link> </link>

So now we have :
<title> V7ndotcom elursrebmem marketing </title>
<description> V7ndotcom elursrebmem marketing is a study of internet based marketing and is open for all to read .</description>
<link> </link>

The whole thing is called an ITEM and must be enclosed within <item> </item> resulting in :
<title> V7ndotcom elursrebmem marketing </title>
<description> V7ndotcom elursrebmem marketing is a study of internet based marketing and is open for all to read .</description>
<link> </link>

You can have a maximum of 15 items in one XML Feed. In addition to the above you must also specify the XML version you have used in the feed which will be the following code:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0">


The above ITEM and other ITEMS will go between the <channel> and </channel> tags. Finally we have the following in our notepad file :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title> V7ndotcom elursrebmem marketing </title>
<description> V7ndotcom elursrebmem marketing is a study of internet based marketing and is open for all to read .</description>
<link> </link>

<title> Blog v7ndotcom elursrebmem </title>
<description> Latest v7ndotcom articles are posted on the blog </description>
<link> </link>

<title> Third title</title>
<description> Third description</description>
<link> related URL </link>


If you think that the tags above are not displaying properly then try the html version at .

Save this file as a .XML file and upload to your server. Now simply link to this file from any page where you want to make the RSS available. Most people use an Orange XML image to do this while some also use a blue image while many use a simple text link including me. There are no specifications on this. The file name can also be anything until it is a XML file meaning .XML extension. The orange image although is the most popular form of linking to your xml feed.

Congratulations ! there you have a ready to go RSS XML feed for your site. When you publish a rss feed, consider validating it at

Don't forget to bookmark the blog at for latest information similar to this and v7ndotcom elursrebmem marketing.

A reprint version of this article available at : .

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