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THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] => HTML => Topic started by: Daniel Franklin on September 26, 2007, 02:32:02 PM

Title: HTML for Complete Beginners
Post by: Daniel Franklin on September 26, 2007, 02:32:02 PM
The head section begins with the <head> tag and ends with the </head> tag. It has information about the page itself and consists of the page title, the meta tags (more on those in a minute), and the code for any page transitions you may have.

The page title is self-explanatory and is written as <title> Your page title </title>

The meta tags, particularly the <meta name="keywords" tags, used to be used to tell the programs that the search engines send out (otherwise known as search engine spiders or bots), which keywords to index your website for. For example my personal homepage, (first created when I knew nothing about HTML apart from what it was and what it stood for)is called "M Moyne's home page and thus has the meta tag: <meta name="keywords" content="M Moyne">

There is also a meta description tag which used to tell the search engines how to describe the website on their results pages, now I've seen them use the first few lines of text for their description.

The next of the main tags is the body tag, which is written as <body> and </body> respectively. It contains the main part of your HTML code. On my personal homepage it starts off with the code for the background. In this case it is a JPEG image. You can put almost anything in the body section, navigation bars, page banners, tables, images, horizontal lines, hyperlinks and so on. However all of the things that I have just mentioned cannot go anywhere else except the body section.

Let's look at the code for some simple things.

Headings: Heading 1 is <h1> Heading 2 is <h2> Heading 3 is <h3> and so on.

Paragraphs begin with

and end with

A 100 * 200 image with a description is: <img src="image1.jpg" width="100" height="200" alt="my image" longdesc="myfirstimage.html">

That's enough for a simple web page.

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