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THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] => Chatargee => Topic started by: Tanya on June 06, 2007, 12:35:05 AM

Title: C++ Language and Technical
Post by: Tanya on June 06, 2007, 12:35:05 AM
C++ Language and Technical

1. Virtual Functions in C++(Refer to 13'th chapter first two
examples of LAFORE Book)
2. Which of the following is not true regarding FRIEND function
Ans:If y is friend of x and z is friend of y then z can access private of x.

3. Given some program on "&" operator overloading.


class X{
public:X(){ cout<<"This is Base";}
class Y:public X
{ public:Y(){cout<<"This is Derived";}};
what is printed when an object of Y is created?

5. One question on reference variable in C++.


1. Number of nodes in Binary tree with height 3

Ans:7(Refer to Formula 2^^n-1)

2. TCP/IP is used in?


3. Host IP Address is? Ans:32 bits OR 4 bytes.