Title: Fujitsu LifeBook P1610 (Core Solo 1.2GHz, 1GB RAM, 80GB HDD) Post by: Alex on May 10, 2007, 07:53:47 PM Fujitsu LifeBook P1610 (Core Solo 1.2GHz, 1GB RAM, 80GB HDD)
The easy-to-carry Fujitsu LifeBook P1610 is simply the most portable tablet on the market, but there are better, less-expensive options for those who can carry a bit more weight. Read More.. (http://review.zdnet.com/Fujitsu_LifeBook_P1610_Core_Solo_1_2GHz_1GB_RAM_80GB_HDD/4505-3121_16-32136367.html?subj=fdba&part=rss&tag=MR_Laptops) |