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THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] => Techno News => Topic started by: Mark David on April 25, 2007, 01:53:23 AM

Title: Mashing up the Once and Future CMS - Malcolm Brown, Educause Review
Post by: Mark David on April 25, 2007, 01:53:23 AM
In a Chronicle of Higher Education article published last year, a writer bemoaned the faddish adoption of the latest ideas or novelties in higher education and argued that those of us in academia should not implement these oft-ballyhooed innovations until there is some assurance that they actually work and make a difference.1 But those who have been around the IT block know that by contrast, the dynamic is all too often: "He/she who hesitates is lost." Many of our constituents arrive on campus expecting the latest and greatest. Where would we be if we waited for IEEE standards to completely firm up before implementing gear based on them? Standing in front of faculty committees and being taken to task, that's where. To innovate or wait: that is the question confronting IT managers on an almost weekly basis.

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