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 Creating an Evolution X Dashboard Boot Disk for XBOX| Installing Dashboard to HD
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Author Topic: Creating an Evolution X Dashboard Boot Disk for XBOX| Installing Dashboard to HD  (Read 6312 times)
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This is a must need recipe for those xbox chefs out there. This was missing from my original recipe and it is much needed!!! This recipe requires the following ingredients: Evolution X Dashboard any version over 1.8.1xxx, Xiso/isomaker/ or any other XBOX image creating program, CD-RW or DVD+-R/RW Disk (depends on the dvd drive in your xbox, some are pickier than others), and cd/dvd burning software (nero used as example), and few networking skills.

Seamonkey420's quick recipe to making a evolution x dashboard boot cd/dvd and installing evolution x to the xbox harddrive.

Required Hardware/Software:
-Evolution X Dashboard 1.8.3285 or higher
-Mod Chip w/bios and installed
-Neroburn or Easy CD Creator
-XISO/Isomaker or any xbox image creating program
-Flash FTP
-Network Card
-Router or Crossover network cable

Step 1. Introduction and Quick Info

Once you have downloaded the evolution x dashboard version 1.8.3285 or higher, open up the folder where you saved the files. Here's what files you should have (the default.xbe might be named xboxdash.xbe or evoxdash.xbe, rename it to default.xbe):
-bios folder
-skin folder
-default.xbe or xboxdash.xbe (again, rename it so its default.xbe)
-The main thing is to have at least the evox.ini file and the default.xbe (it might have been xboxdahs.xbe until we renamed it) file.

Step 2. Editing the evox.ini file so you can Network/FTP into your XBOX

Open up the evox.ini file.

Go to the section that says:



SetupNetwork = Yes
StaticIP = No
Ip =
Subnetmask =
Defaultgateway =
DNS1 =
DNS2 =

Make sure you have a YES next to SetupNetwork and also make sure that you enable FTP (see below)



Enable = Yes
Password = xbox
IGR = Yes

If you want to, you can put yes next to StaticIP; if you do, be sure to set the IP below. We'll later need this IP to FTP into the XBOX. Save it. Next thing we'll need to do is to create an xbox image file of this folder and then burn it to a blank cd-rw.

I'll explain more about the evox.ini file later on, after we get the dashboard installed onto your xbox.

Next we need to create an xbox image file of this folder containing the evox.ini, default.xbe, BIOS folder, Skin folder (xbox uses a different type of file structure than most dvds) and then burn that .iso file to a blank cd-rw. Once we create the .iso file, we will need to open up nero or easy cd creating and open the .iso file and burn it to a cd-rw or dvd+-r/rw disk (most xbox's do not read cd-r disks)

Now we need to hook up the xbox to be able to ftp into.
Two ways:
if you have a router, easy as cake, just plug it into the network like a pc!
without a router, use a crossover network cable and setup the evox.ini with a static ip (different from your pc) and use the same subnet and so forth. and connect them up.

Step 3. Booting your XBOX with the Evolution X Dashboard CD-RW we made

Just power on your xbox like normal. After you turn it on, open up the drive and put in the cd-rw boot cd we made. Then Power off your xbox and turn it on with the cd-rw in it. It should load up to the evolution x dashboard. You can tell right away if your bios worked or not if the xbox logo says 'matrix inside' at the bottom.

Lets check to see if the network is available or not. Go to System Utils and you'll get a new screen. Then go into Settings:

I use a router to connect to my xbox, so you'll see the DHCP as type. My network works fine. With a router, you don't need to use a static ip.

If your using a crossover cable and a network card to connect to your xbox, you will need to setup a static IP.

At the top it will give you the network status and all. Hopefully your connected.

If you go down further, you'll see this:

Make sure that it says Enable YES for FTP.

This is important. If it doesn't say yes, we need to edit the evox.ini file we edited and then reburn a new boot cd-rw

Step 4. Installing Evolution X Dashboard to your Hardddrive and FTPing into the XBOX

Boot your XBOX with the Evolution X Dashboard boot cd-rw we made and let it load up. Then open up FlashFXP and click the Quick Connect button. Put in the IP address we found in the Settings part of the Evolution X Dashboard here.

Mine was IP:

Username: xbox

Password: xbox

Once you click connect, you'll get a list of folders on the right. These are the different drives on your XBOX.

C: folder is the main folder

D: is the dvd drive, when you put in a game, you will want to copy this folder over to your computer and then make an xISO of the folder and burn it to a blank dvd and voila! a xbox backup!

E: if you have the factory harddrive in your xbox, this is where you'll want to save your games and programs. This drive is only about 5-7 GBs of free space. Don't delete the folders already there, just add two new folders: apps and games. click to see pic. Then to install games or apps, just make a folder in either games or apps and then copy the files over to it.

F: if you have added a harddrive into your xbox (i'll explain how to later), this is the largest drive. You can save your games and programs here just as described above. otherwise, if you have the factory drive, you can't save anything to this folder.

the other drives, are just temp storage folders for when you play a game. Leave them as is.


Before we go and do anything. We want to make a COMPLETE BACKUP of the XBOX's C: folder and E: folder and save them to your computer. JUST IN CASE.

Step 5. Installing Evolution X Dashboard to your XBOX (Don't need to boot from cd-rw)

Again, boot your xbox with the boot cd we made. Connect to your XBOX with FlashFXP (described above). Go into the C: of your XBOX. Copy over the folder where we made the boot cd from (the one that has the default.xbe, evox.ini, skins folder and bios folder) into the XBOX's C:

Then rename the default.xbe to evoxdash.xbe. This way your xbox will load up evolution x dashboard instead of the microsoft dashboard (xboxdash.xbe in the c: folder) and also you might not have as much troubles with xbox live messing up your dashboard, etc.

This is the nice thing about evox bios. It will look for the evoxdash.xbe file first, then the xboxdash.xbe if it can't find the evoxdash.xbe. I tested this out just ot be sure, and it works.

Now disconnect from the XBOX and reboot the XBOX without the CD and it should load up the same evolution x dashboard as before. If not, you might have to boot from the boot cd and then FTP into the xbox and rename the xboxdash.xbe (microsoft, factory one) to msxboxdash.xbe. Then rename the evoxdash.xbe to xboxdash.xbe. Then reboot and it should work.

-if you have problems booting with the cd/dvd, try different brands and burn speeds. I've used memerox 4x cd-rw's w/my version 1.0 xbox fine. and memorex and ritek dvd+rs.
-if using a cd-rw or dvd-+rw, try doing a FULL ERASE on it and then reburn the xbox image file.
-Network problems: check your pc's network settings to be sure you have them setup fine. also be sure to open up the ftp port on the network if you run a firewall.
-Login probs: be sure your logining into the xbox with the same user name and password as you have in the evox.ini. had a buddy who spent hours trying to figure out what the heck, it was just his password in the evox.ini was xobx :-P


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