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  The Dell Inspiron 1000
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Author Topic: The Dell Inspiron 1000  (Read 2876 times)
Daniel Franklin
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The Dell Inspiron 1000
« Posted: October 24, 2007, 11:42:58 AM »

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage--at least it seems that way. If you've been thinking you need to know more about it, here's your opportunity.

The Dell Inspiron 1000 Notebook is one of the most basic, yet readily capable machines to grace the computer market in quite some time. Though many now find the unit obsolete, the 1000 is still a fully-functional piece of equipment that easily handles many tasks at once. One of the greatest features on the 1000 is its ability to display images via its large display screen, which has great pixel resolution of 1024 X 768, and does not let down the user where other units might. The fifteen inch screen is more than large enough to display much needed information, pictures, or game screens, all of which are common functions that can be easily orchestrated by the Dell Inspiron 1000. The graphics processor also helps with the computer’s ability to handle more superficial tasks. The notebook uses the AGP SIS M650, which is an industry standard for many computing units, and works well with computers that have shared video memory, like the 1000.

One of the computer’s downsides is the sound quality that initially comes out of the 1000. The sound is not bad, but it certainly isn’t at the premium level that most notebooks tend to achieve these days. Another downside of the sound quality is the computer’s incessant “bump” sounds, a problem that occurs every so often, especially when listening to music. The sound does get better when the unit is hooked up to external speakers, so do not rely on the built-in stereo speakers, which do not do their job. External speakers sound much better, but the “bump” noises can still be heard through them, which can be utterly annoying. Another problem with the sound is hearing what sounds like a sound file peaking, when in actuality the speaker is producing a noise it cannot handle, and therefore produces a distorted sound that is not the fault of the sound file itself, but more the fault of the computer’s faulty speakers.

Overall, the computer seems to handle at a pretty impressive rate. The computer does seem to handle everyday tasks in a very simple manner, but that does not designate it to have an adequate system. Most computers do not truly go through processing and memory tests until their systems have been tried by thorough software and hardware installations, which can wreak havoc on an underperforming unit. Sadly, this computer can only handle a few of these installations, and usually cannot handle having one outside computer game installed into its system. Even with the individual game the system seems to falter. There are other programs on the computer, but they are purely operational beings, which should not affect the user’s recreational experience, and especially should not negatively impact the computer’s need to have many programs going at once, but they do. The Dell Ispiron 1000 Notebook is not meant for fun and games of any large magnitude. The notebook can fare very well with minimal software downloads, but does not seem to be keen on operating with large installations, which puts this computer at a very big disadvantage in today’s industry.

How can you put a limit on learning more? The next section may contain that one little bit of wisdom that changes everything.

Although the sound does lack, and the performance of many tasks by this notebook is nearly impossible, there are some functions that still operate properly, and can be advantageous to the owner of the 1000. The notebook comes with a fully-functional CD-ROM drive, which also plays DVDs, and has a CD-R burner, which is a necessity in today’s world, of modern downloads. DVD viewing is quite pleasurable, especially due to the notebook’s large screen, and though the sound does often fail during parts of the viewing experience, the visuals do tend to make up for the initial downfalls experienced by the user. The burning experience is an overall plus for the user, as there have been no major problems found with the burning hardware inherent to the computer, but the main obstacle is finding a program that adequately burns albums and files without causing major interference to the user. Compact disc listening is also quite pleasurable, but must be done through headphones if one wants the true quality experience of listening to music. The discs rarely skip, and the computer seems to handle the task quite easily, though it does get a bit warm after completing such a menial duty.

One of the biggest problems that users of the Dell Inspiron 1000 Notebook will notice is the lack of battery power, and the computer’s basic inability to fully charge when plugged in, which usually gives the user a maximum battery time of twenty minutes, which is plain dismal in today’s world of advanced technology. Energy is one of the big factors to consider when purchasing a laptop unit, and anyone concerned with that area of the 1000 should prepare for a rather large letdown. The computer is only half the problem, as the battery packs that are internally stored in the computers tend to give the consumer a large headache as well. Many of the units were recalled due to the battery’s apparent ability to combust, a negative quality which has caused many fires on an international level. The battery’s lack of real power, along with the combustibility factor, is one of the biggest reasons that many people will go with another unit when looking for a dependable laptop computer.

Finally, there is the connectivity of the Dell Inspiron 1000. For the most part, the computer does seem to function quite well on the internet, and has the ability to hookup to many of the high speed services available, without the need of even purchasing a network card, which can easily fit into the computer’s accessible port. The only problem can be the failure of the Ethernet port, which then institutes reparation of the problem, or a need to install a network card, both of which can be irritating and costly processes. The computer also has the ability to connect with USB ports, which is a very vital need in the present time, especially since the floppy disc is no longer viable, and the USB ports seem to be the most popular way of transporting information. The Dell Inspiron 1000 is a decent computing unit, and should not be thought of as the apex of the computing industry, but should be thought of as an affordable unit that has the ability to function properly if all of the necessary precautions are taken.

Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help you remember what's important about this dell laptop.

This article on this dell laptop has brought to you by your consumer electronics.

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