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 Mobile Phones are Now Indispensable to Work and Business on the Move
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Author Topic: Mobile Phones are Now Indispensable to Work and Business on the Move  (Read 3050 times)
Daniel Franklin
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Mobile Phones are Now Indispensable to Work and Business on the Move
« Posted: October 24, 2007, 11:42:22 AM »

What would you call a device that allows you to browse the Internet, access all informational content, view and edit documents, stay connected from virtually anywhere at anytime? How about a 'mobile phone'?

Mobile technology has come of age and mobile phones are now branded as 'multimedia computers', 'digital jukebox' or even 'mobile work stations'. The feature ensemble on even mid-range handsets has become power-packed and functionally productive. More and more professionals are using there mobile phones rather than PCs or laptops for work on the move. Smartphones, PDAs or handhelds can perform most tasks that was only possible on a computer some years back.

Considering the fact that at any given time, 40% of the workforce is mobile in most corporate organizations, portable devices like mobile phones are serving as perfect networking environment. Mobile phones are now facilitating efficient time management, optimum productivity and a host of other utilities. You can synchronise innumerable applications with your handset and carry out all important work from wherever you are.

Features like 3G, EDGE and GPRS ensure fast and convenient data transference and high speed downloading. Operating systems on mobile phones are becoming highly capable and perform smooth operations in no time. The amount of research and development that goes into the making of these handsets is simply bewildering. The integration and incorporation of all new technology on mobile phones take place almost simultaneously as with personal computers.

For globe-trotting professionals, things have become easy, reliable and swift. The ubiquitous presence of mobile phones and services has ensured matchless connectivity across the globe. You can keep track of priority assignments and see them to their logical conclusion by using your phone as the only medium of communication.

Mobile phones have the potential to assist you in all your work and providing you matchless mobility.

Mobile Phones

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