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  Four Reasons Why I Love My PDA
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Author Topic: Four Reasons Why I Love My PDA  (Read 2603 times)
Daniel Franklin
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Four Reasons Why I Love My PDA
« Posted: October 24, 2007, 11:46:28 AM »

As kids we used to dream about the future and wonder how much like "The Jetsons" our lives would be. Would there be flying cars and entire meals encompassed in tiny capsules? Would all sidewalks be conveyor belts, and would be talking with loved ones through video phones? Well, we aren't exactly living like George, Jane, Judy and Elroy, but we are gaining some ground with a few technological wonders. My favorite is the personal digital assistant, or PDA.

Why do I love my PDA? It isn't difficult to come up with reasons, though I'll spare readers the time to wade through an entire novel and focus on the four main points that emphasize my gratitude for this invention and the ease it brings to my busy life.

1) Convenience - Decades ago computers used to take up entire rooms. The PDA, by comparison, is no bigger than the palm of my hand and goes with me everywhere. It is a personal date book, address book, memo pad, shopping list, and music player. Having it has helped me eliminate the clutter in my handbag. Now, when I need to take down any important information, I need only take out this hand held computer and jot notes with the stylus.

2) Wireless capability - As the world shrinks with Internet connectivity bringing people closer together, I can use my PDA to stay in touch with current events and family and friends. With its wireless capability I can step into any cafe or shop with a free wireless hub and check e-mail and download news alerts. It's like having a newspaper that never expires.

3) Usability and storage - Despite the size of the hand held device, there is plenty of memory to store important documents and phone numbers, a few favorite songs in MP3 format, and text messages from friends. What doesn't stay stored may be backed up into a portable, reusable drive, plus compatibility with my computer allows me to transfer files with ease.

4) Reading books - Used to be I would carry a bag full of books on vacation. Having a PDA, however, eliminates the need for extra luggage. With many bestsellers in eBook format and public domain eBooks available on the Web for free, I can download as many as ten books into my PDA and read to my heart's content. I can also adjust the font size on the screen to suit my eyes and use the back light feature for night reading - I can't do that with a book!

For convenience and usability, my PDA is an absolutely necessity. For work and entertainment, I don't need to look further than the one device that does everything.

Kathryn Lively is a freelance writer for The Computer Connection of Virginia Beach, offering affordable computer financing for the military.

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