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  How to Hire the Best Cleaning Company
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Author Topic: How to Hire the Best Cleaning Company  (Read 2962 times)
Shawn Tracer
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How to Hire the Best Cleaning Company
« Posted: February 15, 2008, 10:53:45 AM »

When your business puts you in the position to choose a cleaning company and you don't know where to start from the searching, the following advices can help you figure out the most important issues you have to consider. They are not very difficult and won't cost you too many efforts but will save you a lot of troubles if hiring the first available cleaning company which eventually might appear not to do the things the way you want them.

The plenty of cleaning companies on the market will offer you variety of choices which you have to review according to the property that needs cleaning. So, if you own large firm with a lot of working space to be cleaned you can look for the bigger companies which provide services nationwide. It's quite the opposite when you have a small business, in that case you can settle for a local, not so big firm which can offer you reasonably priced services. Of course, if you use the services of a bigger firm the cleaning equipment it works with will be more powerful and quality. But if you don't have more specific needs every small cleaning company can satisfy your requirements. The larger companies have also the advantage of the ability to change the personnel responsible for the cleaning in your office if you're not satisfied and to send you someone else. But in other hand, the smaller companies are better at providing personalised services and other advantage they have is the bigger flexibility.

Before considering the exact company you wish to hire you have to determine the cleaning needs you want to receive. For example, how big is the space you want to be cleaned, how often you want the cleaning to be performed, especially how much money are you ready to spend and when do you wish the cleaning to start. Some of the companies can begin the same day you have sign the contract but there are others which want first to see the space for cleaning and they can send you someone after weeks.

Then you might meet with several companies to talk about the services they provide and to see what they will include in the package they offer. That's how you will be able to compare and to choose the most suitable to your criteria cleaning services and to select the most affordable price.

The first thing you should ask for when you choose one of the companies is insurance policy. If the company doesn't have one you put yourself in serious risk because something might be damaged during the cleaning process and if the cleaning services provider isn't insured you can't be sure you will receive the money for the damages. Other thing you should think about is to ask for cleaning check list which includes the areas to be cleaned and the task that will be performed. You should know which of the activities are included in the price and which of them are additional and you have to pay for them more.

We advise you also to ask for references, at least 3 or 4, and to check them very carefully. The references are the best way to find out how quality are the company's services, because all the good providers have enough satisfied clients which are the best way to examine the reputation of the contractor you are dealing with.

This is an article provided by Quick Cleaning London - experienced cleaning company in London which specialise both in the area of commercial cleaning services in London and in domestic cleaning. For more information related to cleaning offices visit


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