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 Linux Hosting Is Better Than Window Hosting
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Author Topic: Linux Hosting Is Better Than Window Hosting  (Read 3432 times)
Daniel Franklin
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Linux Hosting Is Better Than Window Hosting
« Posted: October 06, 2007, 10:56:15 AM »

Confusion often arises while choosing a web-hosting platform, as which one is the best one and which one is the better one between Linux & Window hosting. The million-dollar question is what application are you looking to use for your hosting? Consider the tools and scripting languages you plan to use, if you use PHP, Perl or MySQL, Linux is the way forward. If apps are Microsoft-specific, then Windows is what you need.

Well in most of the cases, the general inclination generally moves towards the Linux web hosting platform and not on the window web hosting, because there are several positive factor that affect Linux and that Linux carries with itself.

While casting our views on Linux hosting we conclude that Linux is more reliable. These are considered to be the best OS for web server. Linux web hosting are typically found to be the most stable and efficient system and as such, it is commonly used for the demanding environment of web and mail server.

Besides, reliability, cost effectiveness is also one of the most favorable factors that make Linux first choice. Generally, the Linux OS comes free of cost or at a very insignificant cost, usually cost of distribution. Also, it has full fledged server, and desk top applications that comes free along with the OS. And, these server applications being free are also very stable.

In addition, Linux web hosting is easy to use and is perfect for your plan. When it comes to web hosting, it is easy to host on Linux web servers. The process of uploading and hosting is almost same for both Linux and Windows web servers. If you want to use a Windows based tool such as Front Page for uploading a web site on to a Linux based web server, make sure that the Front Page extensions are enabled. This is only required if you are uploading using HTTP feature of Front Page on your website. Front Page also makes it possible to upload a web site using FTP. These days, all Linux web servers are coming with installable Front Page extensions, and this should pose no problem for hosting on a Linux platform.

A web site designed for compatibility with a Linux/Unix based web server meets the scalability requirement easily without making any site wide design changes. A web site is dynamic. Usually, a web site starts with a few pages of html and grows over a period of time to suit the customer's requirements. It is preferable to design a web site keeping these requirements in mind.

Today, Linux based web hosting is most widely used compared to Windows based web hosting. A web site designed to be hosted on a Linux based web server can be hosted on a Windows web server easily but this is not possible with the window web hosting.

Therefore the above mentioned points proves that Linux web hosting maintain a much better position than window web hosting on the server platform.

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About the Author

Author Richa Sinha is working for Website Design India. Vexat Inc. provides cheapest domain name registration India, and website hosting India.


« Reply #1 Posted: December 19, 2011, 03:55:23 PM »

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Re: Linux Hosting Is Better Than Window Hosting
« Reply #1 Posted: December 19, 2011, 03:55:23 PM »

Every web hosting service provider makes use of one operating system or the other. There are different operating systems which the web hosting provider can use and they include Linux, Macintosh, UNIX, and Window. From the experiences of the providing companies it is apparent that one OS is always preferred over and above the others. However of all the operating systems it is only the Linux and Windows operating systems that are in hot demand among the service providers. It is because the two OS provide the most efficient and most reliable service in terms of performance.

However there is a raging debate over which of the two is better than the other. The truth is that each of the two systems may have one or two areas where its performance and quality of service is better than the other. However when it comes to their general performance and preference most people are of the opinion that Linux hosting is better than the window hosting web hosting. We are going to review the different hosting options using each of the operating system and determine which of them offers the better services.

The area where the effectiveness of Linux is easily noticed and indeed preferred to the Windows is the easiness with which the servers can be accessed. The easiness with which the server is accessed determines the efficiency and the reliability of the operating system. It is true that both operating systems I mean Linux and Windows have the FTP system. The advantage of Linux over Windows is that Linux in addition offers telnet or Ssh system which Windows do not have. The use of telnet or Ssh by Linux is a plus because it makes Linux powered servers to offer good to offer more reliable services. It is a big advantage which Linux has offer Windows it facilitates the easiness with which sites are hosted by Linux.

Another area where the use of Linux is better than the Windows operating system is in the area of writing of pages. Both operating systems use HTML and JavaScript. The use of FrontPage extension is more efficient with Linux than in Windows.

Another area where the use of Linux is preferred over the Windows is in use of CGI. Although the CGI functionality can work in both Windows and Linux but the effectiveness of the feature in the Linux is better. Service providers who want CGI functionality in their system always go after web hosting providers that use Linux as operating system. The other advantage which Linux had over Windows includes the offer of other server side scripts like ASP, PHP and ColdFusion functionalities. It is not that Windows do not offer that functionality but that of Linux operating system is better.
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