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 THE VISION: An Inspiring Article for Success
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THE VISION: An Inspiring Article for Success
« Posted: July 19, 2007, 01:52:50 AM »

THE VISION: An Inspiring Article for Success


“Fake it & you’ll make it- The Vision”

Aman Verma was just an ordinary employee in marketing electrical components. He was not the one with extra ordinary qualification or skills. Just a simple graduate and a diploma in electrical maintenance he was engaged to do extra leg work for gathering customer information. One day while on a cold customer call he had an opportunity to sit in a luxury car ‘Maruti Esteem’. In one of the Training Programs when asked to depict where he sees himself in the next five year he drew a Collage cut pasting a Maruti Esteem Car and an apartment. I smiled with disbelief but noticed a certain change in Aman. There was a shine in his eyes, an extra glow on his face and was restlessly excited. "Sir I am going to buy a ‘Maruti Esteem’in three to four years, certainly before my marriage."


I was amused to listen to that innocent wish which was a mere fantasy for a boy like Aman making just Two Thousand Five Hundred Rupees a month and taking care of his widowed mother and kid sister in primary school. Just to encourage I motivated him that I do not even remember but in heart of my hearts I knew this was just an impossible wish for Aman. He was in touch with me for another six more months. One apparent change I noticed in Aman was that now he was extra enthusiastic and more active. His appearance became more attractive & animated. His working hours more extended now. He was meeting people even at 10 PM at night or 8 O’clock in the morning.

Aman came to me in December ‘99 exactly three and a half years after the training program. He almost dragged me out of my office and took me to a brand new silver ‘Maruti Esteem’. For a moment I could not believe. “Sir! Please sit with me for a small ride. This is what I promised you four years back in Jan. ’96. I made it sir and you are the first person I want to sit in and bless me. He was excited like a warrior after conquering a battle or a player winning a grand slam. Sir I still remember when you told me that I can get it if I live this dream day and night. Sir! I have lived this dream for four years and see I made it.”

Aman told me the story of his journey of success. After Joining Crompton Greaves Aman had only one dream…. Buy a ‘Maruti Esteem’. He never missed a chance to have a ride in it whenever he could get it. He went to Maruti showroom, got a big poster of his dream car and pasted in his room. He had about ten toy cars lying here and there in his house where he can always see them touch them and play with them at leisure time. His first month bonus commission cheque was Four thousand two hundred rupees. This was good enough to give strength to his dream –impossible as I called it. That first cheque of extra income showed him the way. ‘Sir my every phone call to my customer was an opportunity to buy another part of ESTEEM. I bought it part by part. By December’96 I had 48,000 rupees of bonus commission from the extra sales I made over my targets. I was capable of buying 8% of this darling car. His company asked him to have additional qualification for next raise. Aman Joined PAU for part time studies of diploma in Marketing Management. In ’97 he was assistant manager in the branch.

I was amused to watch Aman talking and at the same time I felt little guilty also of underrating this boy. In fact I underrated the power of Dream and Faking the realization of it. Aman told me how he used to stand on the highway and watch cars moving. Behind every Esteem’s steering wheel he saw Aman, (himself) driving it. This was his favorite pass time activity. What a powerful way of faking. FAKE IT…. and you MAKE IT. This gives you a clear vision of what exactly you want. This vision is no more a blurred picture of abstract objects but a clear living reality-like image of your future accomplishments. Faking turns this spark of Vision into a raging fire inside you. All you need then is a small success. And you have done it. Faking is the extra sugar in your blood that gives you instant energy any anytime anywhere you may require to perform. You see it happening day & night which others name it impossible or a fantasy.

The wonderful thing about a challenging Vision is that it has the power to energize, motivate and excite us, to help us accomplish more than we imagined possible. Small quests don’t stroke the fire within us. Big thinking helps us envision big vision, which in turn creates massive amounts of enthusiasm and inspiration to make it happen. If you truly want success, if you honestly want much more out of life than you have had in the past, then you must have the courage to stretch your mind to its very limit. Challenge the limits. That is the power of Vision. Vision is seeing beyond sight. Vision is the magic of thinking big. Vision is visualizing what you think.

“Visualizing is realizing- what you see is what you get”
- Mark Victor Hansen

Vision is that powerful magnet whose invisible pull keeps on attracting us till we get into motion and reach there. It has a great power to empower its owner. The one, who has it, knows its significance, value and the end result also. Others may not understand it initially, but they bow down to it once its magic starts working.

A VISION has five test points, which are a must to make it worthwhile.

    1. Clarity: It must have a clear explanation of ‘What it is’. It is very specific almost like a touchable object, very clear to see, sense and show.
    2. Reality: Vision is about something real, possible and practical. It cannot be something totally unimaginable, beyond the realities of this world. Adopting 200 children is a reality where as giving birth to same number is beyond reality.
    3. Faith: It must generate a great amount of faith in the people, who own it, because without faith it never works, neither it encourages to join and follow.
    4. Fire: No VISION is capable of becoming a reality until it kindles fire in people. It is the fire inside the people that moves mountains, do things beyond expectations and perform beyond capabilities and others see magic happening.
    5. Action: Most important is that even if we have the clarity, we approve the reality of it. Also it generates faith and kindles fire in us, but if we do not initiate action, it will be a simple fantasy and nothing more than that. Action only will turn it into reality.

If I look back at Aman’s case, he very clearly knew what he wanted. It was a simple reality before him, owning a Maruti Esteem car was not something out of the world wish. It was the faith in his vision that Aman left his secure job to join Cromptons as a trainee sales engineer. And the fire inside was so powerful that it did not allow him to sleep and finally it was an action day in and day out towards one direction that made it happen. That is the Power of Vision and Vision is the future preferred state. But the momentum towards that future has to start right away. Happy Visioning!!!

Sarabjit S Kwatra
Motivator & Soft Skills Consultant


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