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 PRODUCTIVE DAY: How to have a Fresh and Active Day
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PRODUCTIVE DAY: How to have a Fresh and Active Day
« Posted: July 19, 2007, 01:39:24 AM »

PRODUCTIVE DAY: How to have a Fresh and Active Day


We all are living by doing something or the other each day. Many of us just do the things without any plan and purpose. Such people do not get anything concrete at the end of the day. In such cases each day passed is just a day spend with little results. The same day can be made more productive by implementing the following points.


Start your day with a plan of action: Before going to sleep plan your next day’s work. Without planning we can miss the important task and spend the whole day doing less important things. Sometimes we have to pay a heavy cost for this.

Try to improve yourself each day : Do little more efforts every day to improve yourself. We are not to compete with others. We are to compare our present performance with our past performance only. We have to be more productive each day to meet the challenges of the life.

Mange your time & you manage your money : Set your priorities and do the work accordingly. Do not allow others to waste your time in useless things. Complete your work an have a wonderful day.

Hard work with no results is of no use : Avoid spending the whole day in making mistakes and setting them right. No doubt you will remain busy without any productivity.

Maintain balance between all the seven areas :To lead a balanced life we have to give equal amount of time to all the seven areas ; health, family,wealth, intellect, society, spiritualism and religion. If any one of these area is neglected or given more time our success will be sabotaged.

Organize your work area : Our work place should be neat and cleaned. Our table should be well organized. So many things and papers on the table distract your mind and you waste lots of time in locating the document you actually need.

Handle each paper ones : Make it a habit to put useful papers in the file and throw waste paper in the dustbin. This will save your energy and increase your productivity.

Spend qualitative time to have a great day: Whatever time you spend either at home or at work place it should be qualitative and result oriented.

Enjoy enough sleep to be fresh for the day : To have a nice day and to remain active the whole day you should have enough sleep to do work with zeal.

Plan your day and then work on it : If you are able to work on your plan you will surely get better results. You will feel more satisfied, less stress and enjoy more restful sleep.

Have breaks in between the work : This is most important to have lunch break and tea break to get our batteries recharged.If you think that you can be more productive by utilizing the breaks for work then this is just a myth. After working for several hours when we have lunch break we get an opportunity to refresh ourselves to handle the rest of the work more effectively.

The well planned day will definitely make you more productive and you will be able to achieve the desired results.


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