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 LEADERSHIP QUALITY: Qualities of a Successful Leader
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LEADERSHIP QUALITY: Qualities of a Successful Leader
« Posted: July 19, 2007, 01:36:48 AM »

LEADERSHIP QUALITY: Qualities of a Successful Leader


As the child has the abilities to sit, to move, to speak and to walk but in the beginning he needs somebody by his side to guide him or to lead him. Similarly there are some people who have the capabilities and potential to be different than others. But the only thing they require is someone by their side to motivate them and guide them. They need people who help them in achieving success. The people who motivate them, guide them, and lead them are called Leaders and the way of leading people is called Leadership.

True Leadership is in taking people to a place they wouldn't go by themselves, leaders lead the people with a purpose and direction. Following Tips will help you to know the Qualities of a Good Leader.


Some People are Born Leaders: Born Leaders have natural ability to Lead. They have a passion an immense desire to do something different.

Leader set example for others: If we are in leadership position, we must provide people with good examples to follow. We must know whether we are effective at our work or not. We must evaluate our actions.

Take suggestions to be more Effective in Leadership: Don't hesitate in taking suggestions from the people you lead. Ask them how you can help them in making them more productive.

Polish you Leadership Qualities: Even the best can be improved. So, keep on improving you qualities constantly. Make changes wherever required.

Encourage Your Team to share their feelings with You: Give your team the ability to share with you the matters where they need changes. Recognize those who suggest positive changes to encourage them.

True Leadership lies in Educating and Training everyone in the team: Learning is never ending process. So, educate and train everyone in various areas. The more learned they are, the more helpful they will be.

Admit Your Mistakes Boldly: The People who work, only they make mistakes. During your leadership, don't hesitate to admit your mistakes, rather admit them openly.

Tackle the Person immediately who creates problem in the Team: If you have a worker in the tem, who is putting negative impact on others, it is necessary to deal with him quickly.

Train everyone not get Jealous at Others' Performance: Give the team members training to celebrate each other's performance. Ask them to help each other to get success.

Conduct Functions to Recognize Achievements of the Workers: To motivate your employees, conduct award-giving functions to recognize their achievements. This will double their energy level.

Arrange Friendly Competitions among Employees: Bring out the talents and abilities of the employees through contests and friendly competitions.

Give Your Employees more exposure by taking them outdoor: Take your employees to visit different business houses to get new Ideas.


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