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  Build a Website with NO HTML
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Author Topic: Build a Website with NO HTML  (Read 2271 times)
Daniel Franklin
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Build a Website with NO HTML
« Posted: September 28, 2007, 09:58:40 AM »

In fact, building a website can be so easy that even a child can do it!

The first thing you need to know about building an HTML-free website is that the type of "webhost" or "host" that you need to look for is a website host with a website editor. Sometimes these are called: editors, wysiwyg(pronounced "whiz-e-wig" and an acronym for "What You See Is What You Get) editors, site builders, site editors, or even template builders. But the most important thing you need to know is that you DO NOT have to go with a "free" hosting company that forces advertisements on your page. While companies like Freewebs, Bravenet, Geocities, etc. do provide an easy sitebuilder, they don't allow you the freedom of your own domain name, FULL control over your website, or add-free webspace. Many non-free hosting companies have easy sitebuilders as well - and you can often get this type of hosting very cheap, as low as $2 per month or possibly less!

When you use non-free website hosting you can use your own domain names, use a more professional email address, install different scripts on your website, and much more! And all of this is much easier than it sounds.

The first thing you will need to do to set up your own website, is to purchase a domain name. There are many different domain registrars on the internet. GoDaddy is the one we recommend, however a Google search for domain registration will also give you many different results. Once you have purchased your first domain, you will need to purchase website hosting. Check out my author bio for my own hosting company which offers reasonable hosting services. Once you have purchased webhosting, you will receive information from your new webhost that will contain your new nameservers. You can try to set your domain nameservers yourself by logging into your domain purchasing account, however it might be easier just to call the company you purchased the domain from and ask them to change the nameservers for you.

Once you've set your domain's nameservers, the rest is easy. Login to your new website's control panel, and login to their particular editor (you, did of course remember to purchase from a website host that had an easy sitebuilder right?) and begin building your HTML free website. Publish it to your directory, and voila! You now have your very own domain, your very own website, and full control over all of it, at very little cost and with NO knowledge of HTML. Congratulations!

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