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 The Most Popular RPG Computer Games
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Author Topic: The Most Popular RPG Computer Games  (Read 3413 times)
Daniel Franklin
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The Most Popular RPG Computer Games
« Posted: October 07, 2007, 10:19:20 AM »

The introduction of computer games has changed that early fact significantly. Computer games have added a fresh dimension to the way in which both children and adults play either individually or collectively.

In addition computer games such as World of Warcraft Gold (WOW Gold), Guild Wars, Final Fantasy and Dungeons and Dragons have also broadened the perspective of players by introducing them to a scenario whereby resources, supplies and a variety of strengths and weaknesses of available manpower and weapons perform to create a strategic environment in which the skill and mastery of strategic thinking becomes necessary in order to win.

War has always been one of the most popular games played by children and no self-respecting male adult will likely have grown into adulthood without possessing a few fond memories of his toys soldiers. Computer games have added the dimension that was always missing with toy soldiers by bringing to life the characters that once required human imagination to conjure with. Computer games also provide realistic landscapes, strategic maps and an assortment of weaponry that begins with a club and continues into a future that can only be speculated. Coincidentally that speculation is the result of the imagination of an inventor who themselves probably have fond memories of toy soldiers and who simply wanted to go one step further and provided the virtual reality in which to do so.

Today strategic or role playing computer games are a dominant feature found inside every computer games store. Importantly computer games have come of age in that they are no longer played on a one to one basis i.e. human player versus computer. Today we have the Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) which allows for a large number of players to interact on a virtual world.

The most popular MMORPG computer game on the planet is possibly not the one most people automatically expect - WOW Gold is certainly hugely successful with around 8 million players world-wide while Everquest a 3D fantasy game attracts around half a million players. It would be remiss not to mention the long time favourite Dungeons and Dragons which has attracted more than 20 million players world-wide and is recognized in the industry as the game that triggered the mushroom of strategy games that now surrounds us.

However the most played game on the planet is none of these. In 1998 a game called Lineage entered the market and since then has attracted in excess of 30 million players world-wide. Lineage originates from South Korea and is a medieval fantasy strategy based game that utilizes elves, knights, wizards and prince/princess characters. As an MMORPG - Lineage has proved very successful and its development into Lineage II has progressed with new updates and expansion packs every six months. Lineage II was introduced into the United States in 2004 and by December of that year the "Chronicle II: Age of Splendour" update/expansion pack arrived. By September 2006 "Chronicle 5: Oath of Blood" was being marketed. However the next update is being marketed under a new banner as "Lineage II - The Chaotic Throne" and is referred to as Interlude.

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Kevin Dark offers you to buy wow gold which actually means to buy world of warcraft gold.


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