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 Greet your friends and relatives with a game you have created
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Author Topic: Greet your friends and relatives with a game you have created  (Read 3176 times)
Daniel Franklin
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Greet your friends and relatives with a game you have created
« Posted: October 07, 2007, 10:23:55 AM »

There is an old tradition to send greeting postcards to friends and relatives on holidays and important occasions. In the digital age, this tradition mutated into sending greeting emails, which are certainly much faster but lack in mood and color (the word ‘boring’ comes to mind).

That is why numerous online greeting services offered means to design a colorful postcard right on the Web, and send it to the friends and relatives with a couple of mouse clicks. Such postcards are often animated and play nice background music. While definitely not boring, these postcards lack one thing: they are anything but unique. All you do is select a card and type a short greeting message. Best samples allow you to select the music that plays in the background. Besides, online postcards are all too common these days. Is this what you really want? Is that really what they call ‘fun’?

MyPlayCity, Inc. takes progress one leap further by introducing Custom Games. It offers a fun way to greet your friends and relatives with a unique game created by you just for them and no one else. Imagine what fun it will be to send them a game you’ve designed yourself!

Custom Games are by far the best way to greet and entertain your kids. They’ll have a lot of fun playing the game you designed for them! If they like the game, they can download it to their computer and keep it, making your game a precious gift. Custom Games are free of violence and kid-friendly.

No two Custom Games are alike. You have a choice of three game scenarios, but that is the only limiting part. Everything else is completely yours! You can set your own picture as a background for the game. You can draw your own characters for the game, record all the funny sounds that play back when your spaceship is hit by an asteroid, your little fish eats a piece of food or your car hits a patch on the asphalt. The game you produce will be unlike any other, with unique look, feel and sound! If you like, you can allow MyPlayCity to publish the game you created, allowing other Internet users to play and rank your game. You can also see what other users have created, and see for yourself that no two games are alike!

Custom Games make a perfect postal card in today’s digital world. Visit to design your greeting game!


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