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  Great Games For Your Childs Birthday Party
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Author Topic: Great Games For Your Childs Birthday Party  (Read 3371 times)
Daniel Franklin
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Great Games For Your Childs Birthday Party
« Posted: October 07, 2007, 10:21:19 AM »

The most important element of a successful children's birthday party, perhaps, is the kind of games you prepare. Children pay more attention to the activities you've planned out all throughout the party than the food you prepare (this is what adults nitpick, unfortunately) so it would be prudent to spend some time thinking of interesting children's birthday party games.

You can find a lot of ideas on the Internet, or you can ask parents who have already thrown parties for their children to find out what works and what doesn't. Learning from other people's blunders will help ensure that your party goes smoothly. But, of course, no party is perfect. And it is in the boo-boos that the memories and milestones come.

Below are several children's birthday party games you might want to consider:

1) The "Who Am I" Game

When the young guests arrive, stick a picture of an object or an animal on their backs and tell them to ask each other questions that can only be answerable with "yes" or "no" to guess what was written there. Tell the players that the initial question they might want to ask the other is "Am I an object or an animal?" When the party nears the end, line the children up and have them guess what they think was taped on their backs. You can write car, cow, rabbit, horse, train, etc.

2) The "Fruit Basket" Game

Place several chairs in circle, with one less chair than there are participating children. One kid can start with "I'm grateful for... (example: people with blonde hair)". After he or she says that, everyone with, for instance, blonde hair should stand up and exchange seats. The child left standing will be out of the game, while the last one who had a seat will be the next one to say "I'm grateful..."

3) The "Freeze" Game

Play some funky tunes and tell the kids to dance. They should freeze in whatever position they were in when the music is suddenly stopped. Anyone who continues to move or fails to keep a "frozen" position while the music is out is out of the game. The last child standing (or dancing) wins.

4) Charades

This game is not exclusive to children's birthday parties or to kids. In fact, even adults have fun playing this. Kids will have an easier time making guesses if you use animals or common objects to act out.

5) Guess How Many?

Bring out a jar of candies or buttons or whatever and ask the young guests to guess how many of the items there are in the jar you're holding up. The person who guesses the exact number of contents or the one closest to it wins.

Children's birthday parties are not parties without games. Aside from the good food and the other forms of entertainment and goodie bags, kids will have a lot more fun if games are included. Kids are easily pleased. You don't have to invest so much to be able to pull off fun games. In fact, you don't really have to spend at all.

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Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.


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