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  Download Free Games For PSP Exposed!
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Author Topic: Download Free Games For PSP Exposed!  (Read 4141 times)
Daniel Franklin
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Download Free Games For PSP Exposed!
« Posted: October 07, 2007, 10:22:28 AM »

So you've bought your PSP, and you've probably had visions of yourself using it all the time, playing different games and movies and stuff. But then the reality of how expensive owning a PSP can be comes sinking in.

So then you think to yourself, hey I bet that I can download free games for PSP from the Internet. So you do your search at your favorite search engine for downloading free games for your PSP and you then come stumbling across this article.

In this article I am going to shed some light on what to expect from the different types of websites out there that will let you download free games for PSP.

So you can see the advantages and disadvantages between the different types of PSP download sites out there I am going to be sharing examples from both free PSP download sites and paid PSP download sites.

When looking to download free games for PSP you are going to come across 5 different options:

Download Free Games For PSP Option #1

Option number one involves the websites out there that will let you download free games for PSP with out ever paying a fee. These sites are usually safe from spyware and adware. The real major drawback from these types of sites is that they will only be game demos, they won't let you download full PSP games.

Download Free Games For PSP Option #2

Option number two is all about downloading homebrew games. You will be able to download these games to your PSP for free all that you will need is an emulator. Homebrew games are old-school videos games from other video game systems like Nintendo and Sega Genesis. Downloading these free games to your PSP can be a lot of fun.

Download Free Games For PSP Option #3

These are the PSP download sites that will let you download free games for PSP without ever paying a thing. The games will even be full PSP games. You will never get charged a fee and you will be well on your way to downloading free PSP games instantly.

So what's the catch with these PSP download sites? Well first off, these PSP download sites will have a very limited selection and will most likely have terrible download speeds.

The owner of the website is going to lure you in with the word "free" but he wants to make money too, so he will partner up with an adware company that will pay him 50 cents every time someone downloads a free game for PSP, which in turn infects your computer with the adware companies virus.

Download Free Games For PSP Option #4

These are the PSP download sites that will make you pull out your wallet. You will be able to download free games for your PSP if you are willing to pay for their monthly membership. Some of these PSP download sites will also charge you a per download fee too.

The advantage with these PSP download sites is that you will get to download full PSP games at great speeds. They will have a wide selection and your computer will be safe from that dreaded spyware and adware garbage that's out there.

Download Free Games For PSP Option #5

Alright your final option for downloading free games for PSP. These PSP download sites are similar to the ones in option number four. You will get to download full PSP games, at great speeds. You will receive great customer support once you are a member.

Your computer will be safe from adware and spyware. You will be able to choose from a wide variety of PSP downloads like games, movies, music, wallpapers, themes and cheats. Some will even give you different PSP software so you can pimp your PSP out.

The only real difference between these PSP download sites and the ones in the four option is that these PSP download sites only charge you a small one-time fee for a life-time of unlimited PSP downloads.

So once you have your membership you can download free games for PSP and more as often as you like. Now that you know the differences between the different PSP download sites, take your pick, but choose wisely and you will be well on your way to downloading free games to your PSP.

Articles Source - Free Articles
About the Author

Ryan Edward has scoured the Internet, testing and reviewing 37 different PSP download sites to see which one would emerge the "King of PSP Download Sites" Check out his website now to see who walk away victoriously >


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