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 ORKUT: Most Awaited GreaseMonkey Scripts!
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ORKUT: Most Awaited GreaseMonkey Scripts!
« Posted: November 24, 2006, 11:13:20 AM »

ORKUT: Most Awaited GreaseMonkey Scripts!

Hey pals...
presenting you the most awaited GreaseMonkey Scripts...
These are by Vijay Bhaskar - Indian Blogger!

These scripts require FireFox and GreaseMonkey so first check out last section of this post if you don't have them!

1. ScrapDeleter (Install Now)
This script when loaded deletes scraps from scrapbook one-by-one. It starts deleting scraps automatically as and when scrapbook is loaded. So use carefully and Read Complete Article before installing this! I personally tested it and found its working!

2. Send One Scarp to all your friends (Install Now)
This is useful for the people who like to send one common scrap to all friends (in their friend-list). This script have two versions. Although this script can not guarantee the scrap will be sent to all friends, the problem is because of bad orkut server. But its success ratio may be more than 90%. Actually I could not test it on my dial-up connection! Read More...

3. Delete Multiple Message (Not scraps) (Install Now)
As part of code change, orkut does not provide now feature to delete multiple messages from message page. Here again GreaseMonkey Script comes to rescue for Orkutians. Read More....

4. Some Donuts For You! (Install Now)
Tired of "Bad, bad server. No donut for you..." message. This script automatically refresh the page showing this error. Give it a try! It can be useful for other scripts too! Read More...

Preparing For Installation:
1. Download FireFox if you don't have it!
2. Install GreaseMonkey extension for FireFox.
3. Close all FireFox windows and restart FireFox.
4. Now you are ready to install any GreaseMonkey Script you like!

Author's Note:
I've tested only ScrapDeleter out of this! But after looking at codes of other script I think you should not face any problem!


« Reply #1 Posted: November 24, 2006, 11:15:10 AM »
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Orkut Scrap Deleter Greasemonkey Script!
« Reply #1 Posted: November 24, 2006, 11:15:10 AM »

Orkut Scrap Deleter Greasemonkey Script!

If you have a lot of scraps and want to keep your scraps at zero, for privacy reasons. It may be difficult to delete all the scraps present in your scrapbook. To make your work easy, I have created a greasemonkey script for deleting orkut scraps. Here is the procedure you need to follow:

i) Download Mozilla firefox, and greasemonkey plugin. For more information about this, refer to my previous blog post which also covers the howto about greasemonkey.

ii) When you want to delete your scraps, just intall the script. You can install the script by right clicking the link below and selecting 'Install User Script'. Just make sure that you are using Firefox, and have installed greasemonkey.

iii) After the script is installed, as soon as you go to your scrapbook, this script will start deleting your scraps. Once you want to stop deleting your scraps, in firefox, go to Tools > Manage User Scripts. On the left side, you will find a text like 'Scrap Deleter'. Select that, and click 'Uninstall'. The script will be uninstalled. Now, you can enjoy orkuting as usual!

If you have any queries about this - please post a comment to this blog entry. I will give the needed support. Thanks!!

Latest Update: Orkut has changed the codes - and is displaying a button instead of a link for deleting posts. I have made the necessary changes needed to the script for the new design. Go the above mentioned script again and reinstall it - to get the scrap deleter working with the new codes. Please report in case of any problem.
« Reply #2 Posted: November 24, 2006, 11:16:48 AM »
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Friend Scrapper (Greasemonkey Script)
« Reply #2 Posted: November 24, 2006, 11:16:48 AM »

 Friend Scrapper (Greasemonkey Script)

If you are one of the friends in my friendlist, you might have got a test scrap, which was used to test my script which sends a scrap to all the friends in my friendlist. So here I am going to release the script that does it. All you require is, again, Mozilla Firefox 1.x & Greasemonkey plugin. For more information on using them, read the rest of my blog.

However, this friend scrapper is not 100% foolproof, i.e. it doesn't guarantee that it will send a scrap to ALL the friends in your friendlist. But it sends scraps to almost all of them. Here is how the algorithm works:

1. When you go to your friend list(by clicking 'View Friends' from homepage), the process starts. It initialized page number to '1' and number of friends added in page to '0'.

2. In a particular friendlist page, the script reads all the profiles except yours. If that page is full, the number of profiles should be 18. It scans to through the friendlist page, and starts sending scraps to profiles in that page, one by one, and incraseing number of friends added in page by '1'.

3. Once all the profiles in a page are scanned and scraps sent to each of them, it checks if that page is full, i.e. if the number of friends in that page is 18, if it is so, it goes to the next page. If not, the friend scrapper has finished its work!

The only problem with this algorithm is: it may miss some friends which come online, while the friend scrapper is doing it's work. I have thought of another algorithm, which will store the id's of all of your friends at one go, but will be implementing it soon. For the time being, this script will suffice. And this script is a tad bigger, I am not explaining it, though it is almost self explainatory. I would also like the users of this script to go through it and suggest some improvements. It really feels good when you make your own scripts - and I always like my script users learning things - that doubles the whole fun in using them. Hope you feel the same way I do.

Update - Script Upgrade

As one of the users has commented that he wants to choose his own message, I have updated the script so that you can send your own message. As and when you go the friendlist, it will prompt you with a message to enter your own message. Once you enter the message, the script will start sending the same message. Hope I made it clear. Click here to download the upgraded script:
« Reply #3 Posted: November 24, 2006, 11:18:38 AM »
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Orkut Message Deleter (Greasemonkey Script)
« Reply #3 Posted: November 24, 2006, 11:18:38 AM »

 Orkut Message Deleter (Greasemonkey Script)

One of the features that orkut doesn't provide is deleting messages in bulk. Now you can do that using this simple greasemonkey script which I am going to introduce.

Since this is a simple script, this time, I will explain you the script as well. There is a real pleasure in building your own greasemonkey scripts.

1. // ==UserScript==
2. // @name Message Deleter
3. // @namespace
4. // @description Delete all Your Messages
5. // @include*
6. window.addEventListener("load", function(e) {
7. if(document.location.href.indexOf('Messages.aspx')>=0)
8. {
9. var inputs=document.getElementsByTagName('input');
10. for(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++)
11. {
12. if(inputs.type=='checkbox')
13. {
14. inputs.checked=true;
15. }
16. }
17. document.location.href="javascript:doMsgsAction('msgsDelete')";
18. }
19.}, false);

>> Line number 1-5, are used to described the script, much of which is self-explanatory.

>> Line 6 (window.addEventListener("load", function(e) {) is used to add an event listener, after the page is loaded. i.e., the next steps will be executed only after the page is loaded.@include* means that the script will be executed only for URLs begining with

>> Line 7 through 17 carry out the original task. The first line ( if( document.location.href.indexOf('Messages.aspx') >= 0) says that this script applies only to the 'messages' page.

>> Line 9 through 16 selects all the checkboxes in the 'messages' page.

>> Line 17, does the specified action, i.e., delete the messages.

Hope that was clear enough for you, and will give you a kickstart towards creating greasemonkey scripts. Happy orkutting and scripting. In order to do scripting efficiently, you need to know about javascript, which is a simple scripting language for web browsers. If you have any doubts, feel free to comment to this post.

You can download the script from here:
« Last Edit: December 12, 2006, 11:25:30 AM by Admin » Logged
« Reply #4 Posted: November 24, 2006, 11:20:39 AM »
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Some donuts for you! (Greasemonkey Script)
« Reply #4 Posted: November 24, 2006, 11:20:39 AM »

 Some donuts for you! (Greasemonkey Script)

Bad, bad Server, no donut for you!

Are you annoyed of the above message which orkut often gives when the server is too busy? There is some news of relief, if you have greasemonkey with Firefox 1.x installed on your system. All which the script I am going to introduce does is - automatically refresh the page when the above message is displayed. It saves you from the task of regularly checking out when the server is free, and also makes your orkut experience a tad better. Cool..ain't it.

Apart from the regular users, this script is almost necessary if you have any kind of toolbar or greasemonkey script installed; which repeats a process lot of times.(Eg.: Scrap Flooders, Scrap Deleters, Friend Adders, Scripts sending messages to all friends at a time, etc.) With these scripts running, orkut server may indeed get busy, and give the above message, which may stall the working of these tools. Installing this script will avoid the user from taking attention to the 'donut error' when the scripts are running. Auto-refresh increases the automation of scripts.

So enough said about the benifits of this script, I will give the link, and also explain how it works. I will do the latter first. The script is VERY simple and contains only

1. // ==UserScript==
2. // @name Donuts for you
3. // @namespace
4. // @description Refreshes Automatically if orkut says: 'no donuts for you'
5. // @include*
6. // ==/UserScript==
7. window.addEventListener("load", function(e) {
8. if(document.getElementsByTagName('b').item(1).innerHTML.indexOf (' Bad, bad server. No donut for you.')>=0 )
9. window.location.reload( false );
10.}, false);

Line 1-6 are basic script properties. Line 7 ensures that the script is executed only after the window gets loaded.

Line 8 checks if the text in the second bold tag of the page(this is the text which stores the status - by default.) is 'Bad, bad server. No donut for you.'

Line 9 refreshes if the status is the donut message.

Download the script from this place:

I recommend installing this script, if you have installed any of my previous scripts that are mentioned in this blog. Hope you have a nice orkut experience. Happy Orkutting!
« Reply #5 Posted: December 01, 2006, 01:06:43 AM »
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Re: ORKUT: Most Awaited GreaseMonkey Scripts!
« Reply #5 Posted: December 01, 2006, 01:06:43 AM »

gr8 scripts!!
« Reply #6 Posted: December 09, 2006, 01:55:08 PM »

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HiNew Scrap 1.0 - Know who is online & scrapping !
« Reply #6 Posted: December 09, 2006, 01:55:08 PM »

This is latest GreaseMonkey Script for Orkut users n biggest also!
When u install this u will receive notification

  • when someone scraps u!
    when any of your friend comes online!

Also u can choose to be notified in three way-

  • small pop-up balloon in right-bottom corner as shown in above screen-shot. (this can not be turned off)

    a sound alert!

    a funny alert will Shake ur screen!

Script Link:
Click To Install
« Last Edit: December 09, 2006, 02:00:56 PM by Pankhuri » Logged
« Reply #7 Posted: December 09, 2006, 02:08:22 PM »
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Re: ORKUT: Most Awaited GreaseMonkey Scripts!
« Reply #7 Posted: December 09, 2006, 02:08:22 PM »

nice scripts!
« Reply #8 Posted: December 12, 2006, 11:24:08 AM »
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Remove Orkut Ads (Greasemonkey Script)
« Reply #8 Posted: December 12, 2006, 11:24:08 AM »

If you are an active member of orkut, you may have seen some ads in community threads. Guess Google has already started some testing about the performance of ads in Orkut. But personally, ads in orkut communities used to annoy me a lot. They took a considerable space in the sidebar on the right, and made my orkut experience sloppy. Cause contraction in horizontal width meant increase in vertical height of the forum page. This is not for the guys who like to see ads relevant to the topics being posted. This is for those who are just annoyed of ads. Yeah, I have made a greasemonkey script to remove ads in Orkut. I knew it was a work of five minutes but didn't quite have the patience any time. Anyway, enough said, you can download the greasemonkey script for removing orkut ads from here:

Click Here To Install.
« Reply #9 Posted: December 16, 2006, 08:12:32 PM »

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Re: ORKUT: Most Awaited GreaseMonkey Scripts!
« Reply #9 Posted: December 16, 2006, 08:12:32 PM »

few more scripts:
« Last Edit: December 17, 2006, 02:03:44 AM by anishsane » Logged
« Reply #10 Posted: January 05, 2007, 11:08:36 AM »
Mark David
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Re: ORKUT: Most Awaited GreaseMonkey Scripts!
« Reply #10 Posted: January 05, 2007, 11:08:36 AM »

gr8 scripts
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