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 Cell Phone in Every Pocket
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Daniel Franklin
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Cell Phone in Every Pocket
« Posted: October 15, 2007, 11:37:59 AM »

    Cell phones (telefone celular) or mobile phones have had a great impact on the way we lead our lives. In today’s world, where change is the only constant, cell phones have been upgraded with lots of new technological features. There has been a tremendous growth in the use of cell phones all over the world and now almost anybody has a personal cell phone. What started in 1960s as a bulky radio communication equipment to be used at the time of war, it has now become a small pocket device with a host of special features specially crafted for the common consumer.

It satisfies more than the basic need to communicate. It is a fashion statement – an identity of self – and it comes in hundreds of models. Nokia is the world’s largest manufacturer of cell phones followed by Motorola, Samsung, BenQ, Siemens, Panasonic, Philips, LG, NEC, Sony Ericsson, Fujitsu and many more. Apart from calling and texting, cell phones are used for a variety of purposes – to keep contact information, to make task lists and daily schedules, browse mobile websites and check emails, play games, watch video clips, listen to music, take pictures and much more. Also cell phones (telefone celular) are easy to integrate with other electronic devices such as notebooks, music systems and etc. With the availability of infrared and Bluetooth technology, a lot of wireless connectivity is possible, such as the use of wireless headphones. Also you can make your phone interact with your notebook without any physical connection.

So, what should you look for while purchasing a new cell phone (telefone celular)? The points to consider include the service plan, price, size, weight, features and technical specifications, compatibility with other devices, display screen resolution and a very important feature: battery life. The latest features offered by cell phones are mega pixel camera, wireless connectivity, modem capability, PC synchronization, music and video player and a lot more.

Today, you can access the World Wide Web through your cell phone (telefone celular). To access internet, your cell phone has to be WAP-enabled. Many companies have created mobile compatible websites that make browsing on your phone very easy. You can get the latest news, stock quotes and game scores on the move through your cell phone. The advanced third-generation phones (3G phones) will soon storm the market and will have high-end graphical display that will enable better video conferencing and gaming experience.

Everybody must follow basic cell phone (telefone celular) etiquettes. Your mobile should not ring in public and disturb others. Sometimes mobile phones ring at odd instances like in movie theatres, weddings, funerals, important official meetings, etc., and to top it the fancy ring tones disturb everybody else around you. You should keep your cell phone in the silent mode when you are at a public place and you must never talk on the cell phone while driving. This might put you in trouble in many countries as there are heavy fines on cell phone misuse.

Cell phones (telefone celular) have become an intrinsic part of our lives that most of us cannot imagine a single day without it. Ring tones, caller tunes, mobile gaming, camera, texting, MMS and video messaging, audio and video recording and viewing are still not enough. New technologies are developed often to reduce size and weight, increase speed, provide a better user interface, to pack more high-definition features into a small pocket device. With GPS (global positioning system) capability, cell phones have become so useful that a person carrying one could be located to a range of a few meters, anywhere on the globe! GPS cell phones are important devices in locating users in emergency situations, which allows emergency services to be quickly dispatched.

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Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for


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