The Common Entrance Test Maharashtra (CET) is conducted by the Directorate of Technical Education and is accepted by over 80 Institutes in Maharashtra.
The written test was previously held in May or June , however for the last three years it is being conducted in the month of February. The GD / PI are conducted in June / July.
Common Entrance Test, (CET), Karnataka is a competitive exam conducted for the purpose of admission of students to the first year or first semester of full time courses in Medical, Dental and Engineering Courses in professional colleges within the State of Karnataka, India.
The professional colleges in the state offering such courses are affiliated to the state run universities, and admit students through the CET annually. The fee structure varies from year to year.
Academic Eligibility
For applicants applying for
Engg/Tech/Architecture courses :- Pass the Karnataka 2nd PUC/12th standard or equivalent exam with Physics and Mathematics along with Chemistry/Bio-Tech/Computer Science/Electronics/Info Science/Biology as optional subjects with English as one of the languages of study and obtained at least 45% marks in optional subjects (35% for SC/ST/Category-1) Students wanting to enter Architecture course have to pass an aptitude test.
Medical/Dental/Ayurveda/Homeopathy/Unani/Naturopathy/Yoga courses :- Pass the Karnataka 2nd PUC/12th standard or equivalent exam with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects with English as one of the languages of study and obtained at least 50% marks in PCB group (40% for SC/ST/Category-1) For dental courses, 50% marks in optional subjects including English subject is required. Also, applicants should have completed age of 17 years.
The Total marks are 240 and the distribution is as follows
Written Test 200 marks
Group Discussion 17 marks
Personal Interview 17 marks
Academic record 4 marks
Work experience 2 marks
CET 2005 was a 2-? hour paper consisting of 200 questions. Each question carried 1 mark, with no negative marking. It tests the following areas:
Reading Comprehension
Verbal Ability
Logical Reasoning
Quantitative Ability
Analytical Reasoning
Mathematical Reasoning
Visual Reasoning
Data Interpretation
Data Sufficiency