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 Kashmir: Behind the Vale
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Author Topic: Kashmir: Behind the Vale  (Read 2720 times)
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Kashmir: Behind the Vale
« Posted: July 26, 2007, 12:01:47 PM »

Kashmir has been a reason for at least three wars between India and Pakistan. Over the past 15 years, the name Kashmir has become synonymous with violence and terrorism. Where is Kashmir and why has it been the reason of so many wars? What is happening in Kashmir? Why are India and Pakistan fighting over Kashmir?

The answer too all of these questions and many more that you might have in your mind have a simple answer. A new book called ' Kashmir: Behind the Vale', by M.J.Akbar.

The book is one of the best ones written about Kashmir in recent times. The book is simple,factual, and undoubtedly as accurate as it can get. The book itself is divided into 19 chapters in three different sections. The first part of the book is about the pre- British India and the history of the Indian subcontinent with strong emphasis about Kashmir. It also mentions about the state of affairs in Kashmir and how the rule of kings led to is management of affairs and the ultimate accession of Kashmir to India. Many important facts have been mentioned that serve as an eye-opener as well as a history crash course, both interesting as well as truthful.

A detailed analysis and realistic layout of how things gradually changed from the rule of the King to the present day turmoil and state of affairs is mentioned in detail in the next two sections.

One of the most appealing facts about the book is the amount of research and the clarity in presentation of facts.

M.J Akbar, both as a writer as well as a seasoned journalist has proved his worth in this book which just does not fill pages but makes one truly understand the reality of the situation of Kashmir.

The book is a highly recommended read.

Publisher: Roli Books Pvt Ltd, ISBN 81-7436-250-9, Price: $14.99

I am a freelance Photographer and journalist based in the Middle East. Goto my websites for more info:


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