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 How to Get a Free Airline Upgrade on Your Flight
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Author Topic: How to Get a Free Airline Upgrade on Your Flight  (Read 3224 times)
Stacey Aaron
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How to Get a Free Airline Upgrade on Your Flight
« Posted: July 20, 2007, 11:32:13 AM »

Everyone wants to buy a cheap economy ticket and get bumped up to business or first class. I mean who doesn't want more comfort, more legroom, better service and lounge access? The new generation of flat seats makes flying long-haul more comfortable than ever before.

Here are a few tips for maximising your likelihood of getting that elusive upgrade.

1. Become a member of your airline's frequent flyer program. If you can reach 'elite status' then you will greatly improve your chances of getting bumped up a class.

2. Avoid flying from your carrier's main hub. You will be competing against masses of frequent flyer members so your chance of a free upgrade is minimal.

3. Book a flight that is likely to have a full economy section. A few days before your flight, check the availability of business/first class seats by doing a pretend booking on the web.

4. Choose a destination that doesn't carry heavy business traffic. Also try to fly on wide-body aircraft with plenty of available first class seats.

5. This is a cliché, but you should dress well and have decent looking luggage. If you don't fit in with the flying elite the airline will not upgrade you. Turn up with an economy ticket and a backpack and you'll be sitting at the back!

6. Do not order a special meal as this cannot be upgraded with you.

7. Travel with someone holding a higher class ticket than you.

8. Fly premium economy class - you are 2 times more likely to be upgraded than in standard economy.

9. If you are flying away on honeymoon then contact the airline in advance and ask to be upgraded.

10. If you want a guaranteed business class flight then pay for one! Use your miles to purchase an upgrade or haggle a deal at the airport.

11. Read the 'Ultimate Airfares, Upgrades and Cheap First Class Flights Guide'. If you fly internationally this unique insider ebook will show you how to find amazing cheap flight deals and help you reach the elusive first class cabin.

By utilising these tips you may be sitting at the front of the plane next time.

Safe flying!

A must-read for any international flyers, the Ultimate Airfares, Upgrades and Cheap First Class Flights Guide is now available at


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